Advanced Enterprise SEO Software, data and APIs for in-house SEO teams and their agencies

If you are looking for an SEO tool for beginners then you’ve come to the wrong place!  

We produce and support SEO tools for professional SEO teams in the most demanding markets worldwide.

Heads of SEO are faced with many challenges. Your SEO platform should not be one of them!

Do you feel like you’re paying for lots of SEO tools but are struggling to see the benefit?

There are many instances where it makes sense to have a range of SEO tools and many instances where it doesn’t.
As Authoritas is a comprehensive SEO software platform, it can and often does replace many of your SEO tools, but we don’t aim to replace all of them.

We add value where we can through intelligent technology, data and APIs, coupled with senior experienced SEO support and guidance from our senior team.

We don’t try to work with everyone.  We enjoy working on difficult, complex and highly competitive websites with ambitious SEO teams that are innovative and fast moving.

Does your SEO tool leave you with as many questions as answers?

We may have many, but perhaps not always, all of the answers.  

We work with you to get the data you need and let the data tell the story.

Our ability to harness your internal business data, data from other SEO or website analytics tools and our own SEO data, gives you the best chance of getting quick answers to the most burning optimisation questions you have.

Do you wish your SEO results could have a bigger commercial impact?

We’re focused on using the SEO tools and data you already have alongside our SEO platform and your business data to help you develop and deliver on SEO plans that will delight your CEO and CFO.

Fight with your competitors not your SEO platform

Our enterprise SEO software platform and APIs help SEOs like you solve these kind of challenges and more

Organisational buy-in to SEO

Getting organisational buy-in for budget or to implement initiatives can be challenging.

Our data-driven analysis and forecasting tools help you communicate the real impact your SEO plans will have across the business.

Budget allocation – SEO vs PPC

SEO takes commitment and time to see results.  Paid search is an easy short-term fix, but an expensive long-term solution.

We can combine SEO and PPC data together to bring your teams together and help them make the best decisions in the short and long-term interests of the company.

Setting SEO strategies with business impact

Forecasting an increase in average weighted rankings or SEO Visibility is interesting, but not nearly as compelling for CEOs and CFOs as forecasting an increase in sales revenues.

We can integrate business and SEO data to help you build winning SEO strategies that make a tangible difference to the top and bottom line.

Keeping on top of competitors

Automate your competitor benchmarking so you don’t miss a thing.  Put your organic performance into context and see if you are really gaining market share.

Objectively assess where you are ahead, behind or on a par with your competitors.

Staying on top of SEO

The market is moving so quickly.  Our support and agile software development helps you keep up.

Whether you need to keep your team abreast of the latest Google algorithm updates or understand how artificial intelligence might impact you – regular workshops and meetings with senior members of our team ensure we’re developing the tools you need to succeed.

Delays in implementation

Corporate IT departments always have too many priorities!

If you find your SEO projects are struggling to get implemented, then utilise our SEO data alongside your business data to make solid data-backed recommendations that will get your tickets to the front of the queue.

Siloed marketing approach

A lot of major enterprises have problems around resourcing SEO and an educational challenge to help disparate teams understand the importance of search engine optimisation.

Integrating data into custom reports helps the whole organisation understand and contribute to your SEO success.

Managing external SEO agencies

Effective SEO requires a multi-disciplinary approach across the organisation and solid partnerships between in-house SEOs and external SEO agencies.

Our project management tools help you manage all stakeholders across the whole SEO process from research and strategy, to opportunity identification and forecasting, content creation and optimisation, PR and outreach and tracking results.

Shall we see if we can help your in-house SEO team overcome its challenges?

We're not for beginners.   We're definitely not right for every company.  But we might be the right fit for you if you have ambitious organic growth plans in extremely competitive niches.

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