Keyword Research Tools for SEO

Choose one of our 4 advanced keyword tools to explore content and keyword opportunities by market, domain, page, keyword or question

Does your Keyword Research Tool offer you all this?

Keyword Explorer

Unlimited research on demand.  Enter your keyword phrases and we will return up to 1,000 keyword suggestions for each from our international database of related commercial keywords.

Question Explorer

Upload a list of keywords and we will mine People Also Ask results to help you find questions that your customers are asking that you should be answering on your site.

Domain Explorer

Enter multiple domains and download up to 500,000 keywords for each domain to do competitor research at an unprecedented scale.

Market Explorer

Fully automate keyword gap analysis across hundreds of competitors and millions of keywords.  Find the best pages, keywords and clusters of opportunity without any manual intervention.

Discover high performing commercial keywords instantly

The Authoritas Keyword Explorer tool allows you to research multiple terms on-demand, returning up to 1,000 keyword suggestions for each term.

Unlimited keyword suggestions
>50 Universal SERP features
Navigational, Informational, Research and Transctional User Intent
Monthly search volumes
Cost-per-click values
Top ranking URL

What questions do your
potential customers have?

The Frequently Asked Question Explorer tool allows you to get at all the questions your potential customers are asking.  It does this by mining up to 30 related questions for each search term you enter.  

Generate hundreds of relevant questions on-demand
Write answers to help rank for Featured Snippets, Organic FAQs and People Also Ask results
Works in any language supported by Google
New bulk FAQ Service – Find the critical questions that appear in the SERP for hundreds of head terms for key topics

Find the ranking keywords for every competing website

The Visibility Explorer module allows you to instantly see which keywords your competitors are ranking for and how their rankings compare to your site.

Query any domain in >50 major international countries
Compare SEO Visibility and ranking data
Discover the keywords that are most important to them
Download up to 500,000 keywords per domain
Gap analysis tells you where they are ranking and you are not
SERP feature detection shows you keywords ranking for important features

Explore every keyword for every competitor

This is automated keyword research at scale.  Our big data research tools can do more in a few hours than a team of SEOs can do in weeks.   We analyse all the relevant ranking keywords for your top 100 competitors to build a unique keyword universe that means you won’t miss an opportunity.

Automated keyword research at Market level
Organises millions of keywords into prioritised clusters
Maps millions of keywords to your pages
Maps millions of keywords to new content topics
Unique keyword relevancy filters
Easy to Customize

FAQs about keyword research?

How do I find keywords?

With the Authoritas Keyword Explorer tool you can enter a few keyword ideas into the explorer tool, and select your market. When you search, the tool will populate with relevant keywords, their Search Volume, CPC, User Intent score, and much more! Use this data to find the keywords which will drive relevant traffic to your site.

How do I find PPC (Pay-per-click) or CPC (Cost-per-click) for keywords

You can use the Authoritas Keyword Research tool to help you find the CPC (Cost Per Click) of your keywords. When you search for your keywords, ensure CPC is added to the table so that you can see the data for each of the keywords, all values are displayed in USD.

What is the most accurate keyword research tool?

The answer to this is very subjective and really boils down to which keyword research tool returns enough relevant suggestions for the seed terms you enter.   

The Authoritas keyword research tool is based on related keywords that appear in search engine results pages for your query.  This gives you up to 1,000 related keywords for each term you enter.  Filtering by Universal SERP feature, User Intent, top ranking URL, monthly search volume and CPC gives you a number of ways of easily organising and prioritising your target keywords into sensible keyword groups to target.

A lot of keyword tools, break down your seed keyword into tokens, or n-grams or they use stemming algorithms to find the root of the word.   They then look for terms that are semantically similar. This works reasonably well, but does mean similarly spelled words that are irrelevant can sometimes appear in the results.

Authoritas, looks at keyword co-occurrence in the SERPs. The advantage of this approach, is that we surface keywords that have similar meaning to your seed keywords that are not necessarily semantically similar.  This gives you closely related terms that you might otherwise miss, as well as related concepts and entities that help you build more substance around a topic area.

What is the best keyword research tool?

Again, this is pretty subjective.  

The best keyword research tool would ideally deliver a perfectly grouped and prioritised set of related keyword terms for the seed term a user had entered.   
Ideally these terms would be high search volume and low competition, but in reality that’s unlikely to happen in any market nowadays.

So, the best keyword research tool in 2023, would be one that automates the keyword research process for you using big data and data science, so that you only have to review the results and decide whether to adopt its recommendations.

How do you target keywords?

Using the Authoritas Keyword Research tool you can identify keywords which will bring relevant traffic to your website. You can then use this data to tailor your content to your target keyword by writing relevant content and editing your meta data. You can learn more about the keyword research process in our Keyword Research Ultimate Guide.

Read our in-depth Keyword Research Guide

What is the best free keyword research tool for SEO?

When it comes to choosing the best free keyword research tool for your business, it’s important to first identify what you need.

Do you need help finding keywords for your website or blog content? Do you need help tracking your website’s search engine rankings? Or do you need help improving your website’s search engine optimization (SEO)?

There are a number of different free keyword research tools available, but not all of them are created equal. Some of the most popular free tools include Google AdWords Keyword Planner, Ubersuggest, and MozBar.    

Google AdWords Keyword Planner is a tool offered by Google that allows you to research and analyse keywords. You can use the tool to find keywords related to your business, see how often those keywords are searched, and get ideas for ad campaigns.

Ubersuggest is a free keyword research tool that allows you to find keywords related to your business and see how often they are searched. You can also see how competitive the keywords are and get ideas for ad campaigns.

We believe the Authoritas free keyword research tool (unlimited keyword research is included with a Freemium account) compares as well, if not better than the major tools in the market today as it offers User Intent scores for every keyword and it tells you who the top-ranking pages are for each keyword.

What is Google's keyword tool?

Does Google have a keyword tool and can I use it?  Yes, you bet they do and anyone can use it.
The Google AdWords Keyword Tool is a free online tool used to research and select keywords for use in Google AdWords campaigns. The tool offers a range of different types of data including search volume, average CPC and competition levels.

The tool can be used for a variety of purposes, including selecting keywords for ad campaigns, determining which keywords are most relevant to a website, and researching seasonal trends. The Google AdWords Keyword Tool is most commonly used by businesses who are looking to advertise on Google.

The tool can be used to determine the most relevant keywords for a business, and to find out how much competition there is for those keywords. The tool can also help businesses to see how much traffic they could potentially receive from specific keywords.

Is Google AdWords keyword tool free?

Yes, Google’s Keyword Planner tool is free to use.  But you do have to be running an active Google AdWords campaign to use it properly.

If you are not running a live campaign, then Google returns uselessly large search volume ranges for a keyword (e.g. 1,000 to 100,000 a month), rather than a single estimated number of searches a month (e.g. 7,000).

-To use Google AdWords Keyword Planner, you'll need to create a Google AdWords account.

-Then, open the Keyword Planner and click on the "Search for new keywords using a phrase, website, or category" option.

-Enter the keywords you want to research in the "Your product or service" box.

-Select the location and language you want to target.

-Then, click on the "Get ideas" button.

Discover for yourself why we're different to other SEO tools

If everyone else is using famous SEO brands such as SEMrush, Ahrefs or Moz then how are you going to gain a competitive advantage?

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