Visibility Explorer

Instant competitive analysis and international keyword research in over 50 countries and languages

Competitor analysis and unique SEO insights

Compare websites

Get instant keyword, domain and page-level SEO visibility data for multiple websites in 50 major international markets.

Discover Keywords

Mine your competitors' keywords and uncover ranking opportunities for different SERP features.

User Intent

Our algorithm detects user intent signals allowing you to focus on optimising for high value commercial and transactional terms.

Free downloads

You can download up to 500,000 keywords at a time.

market research
for SEO

Perform deep market, competitor and performance analysis on any website or page, and get ranking intelligence for millions of keywords.

Compare your Share of Search% on-the-fly
Discover new keyword opportunities
Identify Universal SERP opportunities
Compare rankings over time
Download up to 500,000 keywords per website for free
Customise by setting up a project on the platform

International SEO
Keyword Research

Research the top competitors in a market to get a comprehensive perspective on the market size, value, leaders and opportunities.

Who is dominating in this country?
What are their key landing pages?
Which keywords are the most searched?
Which keywords are the most expensive and valuable?
How has the market changed in the past year?
What type of SERP features are prominent?

Compare your SEO Visibility against
competitors' SEO metrics

Compare and filter domain and keyword data in powerful ways to create better and more insightful multi-domain comparisons.

Is my SEO Visibility trending up or down?
How many ranking pages and keywords do I have?
What is my average rank?
How much is my organic traffic worth?
How much potential SEO traffic is there?
Where can I make quick SEO gains?

FAQs about competitor analysis?

Straightforward answers to your key questions about competitive analysis

How to (legally) spy on your online competitors

When it comes to business, it's important to always be one step ahead of the competition.  This means knowing what they're doing, what products they're releasing, and what strategies they're employing.

There are several ways to do this. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages.  Here’s two simple strategies to get you started.

1. Google Alerts - One way is to use Google Alerts. This is a free service that Google offers. You can set up alerts for specific keywords or phrases. Whenever those keywords are mentioned online, you'll receive an email notification. This is a great way to keep track of your competitor's new products, announcements, and marketing campaigns. You can also use it to keep track of any negative publicity they may be receiving.

2. Use the Authoritas Visibility Explorer tool to analyse your competitors’ websites.  Look at how their presence in Google has changed over time, see which pages are performing and trending well and which are not performing so well.  Analyse which keywords and SERP features they are ranking for and where they out-rank your site.  Assess the consumer demand for all the key phrases in your market and build a plan to target them with content on your site’s pages.

3. Track these keywords in a rank tracker and look at keywords where your competitors are consistently advertising in AdWords.  It’s likely that they are getting an ROI if they continue to spend money per click on these keywords.  This means theses keywords could work for you too in both SEO and PPC.

Is spying on competitors illegal?

There is no definitive answer to this question as it depends on the specific laws of the country in which the spying is taking place.

However, in general, spying on competitors in order to gain an unfair advantage is considered to be illegal in most countries.

There are a few different ways that companies can spy on their competitors. The most common methods include:

Surveillance: This involves tracking the movements of competitors and their employees, as well as monitoring their online and social media activity.

Hacking: This involves illegally accessing the computer systems of competitors in order to steal sensitive information.

Industrial espionage: This is the act of stealing trade secrets or other confidential information from competitors.

Competitor analysis: This is the process of using software tools (like ours) to analyse the competitors' websites, advertising strategies and social media profiles. This is a generally acceptable way of legally 'spying' on your competitors and is much less likely to land you in hot water than the alternatives!

How do I find my competitors for SEO?

There are a few different ways that you can go about finding your competitors for SEO.

The first way is to simply use a search engine and type in some of your most important keywords. Think about the most popular key phrases your ideal customers would type. Then analyse the first page of Google for every keyword entered and you will start to see the same websites ranking time and again. SEO tools like Authoritas, do this at scale across millions of keywords, so they can instantly see which competitors are ranking for the keywords you care about.

You can also use Google's AdWords tool to find your competitors. The AdWords tool allows you to see what keywords a website is targeting with their ads. This can be helpful in figuring out which keywords you should target as well.

What keywords are my competitors using?

It’s easy to get an overview of which keywords your competitors’ websites are ranking for from any SEO or keyword research tool.

What’s unique about the Authoritas competitor analysis tools and data compared to say SEMrush and Ahrefs?  

Well, we allow you to download all the data we have for a domain up to 500,000 rows and this is just a technical limit – if you want them all we can FTP them to you.  We do not charge per row or have other usage-based limits on downloads that cost you more each time.  In fact you can use our free account and start downloading competitors’ keywords immediately.

Can I tag the keywords and segment my analysis by site folder or category?

To do this you can create your own campaign on the platform and then analyse the keywords in Project Visibility.  For Enterprise clients, we can import potentially millions of keywords from Visibility Explorer and combine this with custom rules for segmentation based on path rules/REGEX or Data Layers for detailed competitive and market analysis in Project Visibility.

Project Visibility

Do you have a complete list of countries and languages I can do competitive analysis in?

Yes, we cover the following 50 country/language combinations:

Argentina (ES)
Australia (EN)
Austria (DE)
Belgium (FR)
Brazil (PT)
Bulgaria (BG)
Canada (EN)
China (ZH)
Croatia (HR)
Czech Republic (CS)
Denmark (DA)
Egypt (AR)
Finland (FI)
France (FR)
Germany (DE)
Greece (EL)
Hungary (HU)
India (EN)
Indonesia (EN)
Indonesia (ID)
Ireland (EN)
Israel (EN)
Italy (IT)
Japan (JA)
Korea (KO)
Malaysia (MS)
Malta (EN)
Mexico (ES)
Netherlands (NL)
New Zealand (EN)
Norway (NO)
Philipines (EN)
Poland (PL)
Portugal (PT)
Qatar (AR)
Romania (RO)
Russia (RU)
Singapore (EN)
South Africa (EN)
Spain (ES)
Sweden (SV)
Switzerland (DE)
Switzerland (FR)
Thailand (TH)
Turkey (TR)
United Arab Emirates (AR)
United Arab Emirates (EN)
United Kingdom (EN)
United States (EN)
Vietnam (VI)

The country I need is not in the list – can you add it?

Please get in touch and let us know.  At the moment we’re only supporting Google in these markets but we do rank track multiple search engines in multiple markets such as Baidu, Yandex, Naver, Seznam, Sogou and more.

So, if you want to get your organic market share in these countries, you can create your own custom campaign on the platform and rank track the keywords you care about in the countries and search engines that matter to you and analyse them in Project Visibility.

How do I find my competitors keywords for free?

Most SEO platforms or keyword research tools let you mine your competitors organic and paid keywords for free up to a certain limit.  The limit with Authoritas is half a million records for free!  No other major SEO tool offers you this level of SEO data for free.

If you want to do this manually then you can enter your competitors’ pages in Google AdWords Keyword Planner (but why would you really?).

How do I monitor my competitors?

Use a specialist SEO platform or tool for competitor analysis like Visibility Explorer from Authoritas or use a keyword rank tracking platform and add competitors that you want to watch.  Both ways make it very easy to see which sites are competing with you and how your relative performance is changing over time.

Discover for yourself why we're different to other SEO tools

If everyone else is using famous SEO brands such as SEMrush, Ahrefs or Moz then how are you going to gain a competitive advantage?

AI Overvieew rank tracking software screenshot of the SERPs