SEO Project Management

Manage your SEO operations with Authoritas’ in-built SEO project management features

Improve the efficiency and effectiveness of your SEO team

Task Management

Easily manage, segment and prioritise tasks across all your websites and projects.

Outreach Management

Manage your link building and PR efforts in one system which tracks results.

CRM System for SEOs and PRs

Centralise your database of key contacts used by your SEO and PR teams.

Manage 1000’s of websites easily

Use our Platform API to programmatically add and remove sites and manage SEO data in bulk.

Everything you need to run a successful SEO campaign

Whether you are trying to track SEO campaign success, what needs to be done or who is doing what, you can keep your fingers on the pulse with our simple project and campaign management system.

Create and assign one-off or recurring tasks
Set due dates and hours worked
Add notes, comments and follow tasks
Set campaign alerts
Run scheduled reports

SEO Task

Our platform automatically analyses your website and creates colour-coded tasks for you to investigate and implement.

Create strategies and actions and target SEO-specific tasks to pages and page groups
Perform more high-impact SEO tasks and outperform your competitors
See annotations at page and page group level to see task impact
Create custom tasks for all sites to ensure your processes are being followed by your whole team

Run successful SEO outreach campaigns

Effective inbound marketing requires the coordination, communication and co-operation of a multi-disciplinary team of internal and external marketers, designers, developers, copywriters, PRs, account managers and so on. Now the whole team can get one consistent view of all the key data they need.

Discover influential authors that rank for your target keywords
Find quality websites that link to one or more competitors
Create and update your own custom contact database
Import coverage reported on by PR teams
See the impact of links on pages and page groups using annotations
Manage multiple link building campaigns in parallel

Manage large SEO teams and third party partners

Every organisation is different.  Every team has different players with different skills and areas of focus.  With our flexible user roles and permissions system, you are in complete control of which sites your team can access.

Create Project Groups for specific websites
Restrict users to specific Project Groups
Assign users to specific User Roles

FAQs about SEO Project Management?

Do you recommend a particular SEO process?

Over the past two decades of practising search engine optimization, we have developed a robust method for creating and managing successful SEO campaigns and projects.  

We call it the Authoritas 6-Step SEO & Content Marketing Process.

This process is supported with a comprehensive array of agile SEO tools and data to help you achieve more success in less time. We help you optimize the way you work to give every chance of producing a better result with your current team and resources.

This process will help both the individuals within your team and the team as a whole continuously learn, communicate, discuss, adapt and refine your approach to your SEO and content marketing campaigns.

The 6 Steps to SEO Project Management success are:

1. Research
2. Audit
3. Strategy
4. Optimize
5. Outreach
6. Measure

Are these SEO tools suitable for international teams in agencies or in-house teams?

Both.  Our SEO data and tools are aimed at national and international teams of SEO professionals whether they are client-side in-house or in SEO agencies.

Effective collaboration, communication and cooperation is the key to SEO success.

Integrating all the SEO data and content marketing insights you’ll ever need in one place is great, but the real value is delivered when you can collaborate and act on these insights in context with a range of powerful team management, productivity and collaboration tools.

For instance, the task table provides a built-in workflow for you and your team to use. It keeps you informed and on track and is great for team collaboration where a single client account or site is worked on by multiple people. You are able to see comments from other people regarding any issues. It also has a reminder functionality which is handy if you are working on a lengthy issue and have to return to it.

These agile tools help scale
your business efforts across hundreds or even thousands of different campaigns

Which types of goals should you set for your SEO project?

Every marketing campaign should start with an analysis of the current situation, competitive benchmarking and gap analysis. From here you can take stock of the opportunities and your resources and set a strategy and measurable goals for your campaign.

The Authoritas SEO platform is built to support this whole process and allows you to clearly communicate progress against your goals.

If you have configured your Google Analytics to track goals and configured our system to track specific targets, then the software will show you how well you are doing against those targets and the automatic benchmarks taken at the start of your campaign.

Common SEO project goals include:

• Increase the total number of unique organic visits/sessions to the site or part of the site

• Increase the total number of non-branded (generic) keyword visits/session to the site or part of the site or key pages

• Increase organic conversions or eCommerce transactions and revenues from organic search (many SEOs also monitor and include Assisted Conversions)

Discover for yourself why we're different to other SEO tools

If everyone else is using famous SEO brands such as SEMrush, Ahrefs or Moz then how are you going to gain a competitive advantage?

AI Overvieew rank tracking software screenshot of the SERPs