Customer success stories
You are not alone.
We have got over a decade's worth of experience helping clients like you solve thorny SEO challenges and execute successful and profitable organic growth strategies.

Price Minister achieves >40% organic growth with long-tail SEO strategy
Find out how Authoritas helped the SEO team from (one of the leading eCommerce sites in France) to build an automated approach to devise and automatically implement a winning SEO and content marketing strategy at scale across millions of keywords with high commercial intent from the Web Graph.
More SEO success stories
Discover innovative ways that our clients have deployed our SEO platform, tools, data and APIs to drive their organic growth and explore how you can follow the same successful strategies.

Find out how Authoritas helped the SEO team from (one of the leading eCommerce sites in France) to build an automated approach to devise and automatically implement a winning SEO and content marketing strategy at scale across millions of keywords with high commercial intent from the Web Graph.

Find out how multi-award winning digital agencies like The SEO Works use Authoritas to deliver spectacular growth for their clients and maximise the efficiency of their team!

Specialising in SEO for the competitive car industry, ATG uses a suite of SEO tools from Authoritas to give it the insights it needs to produce and deliver robust organic growth plans for its clients. ATG has been working with Authoritas almost since we began developing SEO software for agencies back with the launch of Version 1 in 2011.

Kalicube Pro is software designed by Jason "The Brand SERPs guy" Barnard, an SEO industry veteran who specialises in helping brand manage their branded presence on search engines. Kalicube Pro uses the feature rich Authoritas SERPs API due to its unrivalled ability to extract the minutiae of detail from Google Knowledge panels that is necessary to optimise your site for brand SERPs.