AI Supported Content Assistant

Artificial Intelligence is not a substitute for expert content writers - but it can make your content writers and editorial teams more efficient

4 ways AI can make SEO and content teams more productive

Write meta data at scale

Enter a few keywords and the AI will suggest customised, unique meta titles and meta descriptions for your pages.

Useful content for eCommerce

Create more relevant and useful pages for users and search engines by automatically suggesting relevant summary text and buying guides for your category, product listing and product pages.

Article outlines for content briefs

Get a handy A-Z or numbered list of topics and sub-topics or questions to help you cover all key aspects your theme.

Produce snappy content that’s ideal for answering users’ ‘How to?’ questions and helping you rank for Featured Snippets.

Editorial Workflow tool

Produce AI-generated content at scale and have your humans edit and approve the content to meet your brand’s editorial standards and add your unique expertise.

Humans and Bots
working hand-in-hand

Use the power of GPT-3 from Open AI to help support your content writers and editors to produce well thought-out content and articles more easily and efficiently than ever before.

Create custom content types or use our standard templates
Meta Titles and Descriptions
eCommerce PLP summaries
Buying guides
Article outlines
‘How-to’ style article outlines

Editorial Workflow tools
scale your efficiency

Produce AI-generated content in bulk and use our workflow tool to edit, regenerate, reject, approve and save your content before exporting it to your content management system.

Upload hundreds of URLs and target keywords
Select a content template or ask us to create a custom template for you
Solve a common time-consuming SEO tasks, such as to how to solve duplicate meta data issues at scale
Quickly beef up pages or write new content to bridge the gaps identified from analysing the top performing content in Google

Using AI to grow revenues for eCommerce stores

Add buyer friendly advice to all ecommerce category and product listings pages (PLPs) to improve page quality, SERP click-thru rates, rankings and conversions.

Create SEO landing pages at scale
Add useful and relevant buyer-friendly content
Automate unique meta data
Brief content teams to produce supporting long-form content
Match content to user intent
Match content to what Google is favouring in the SERPs

Draft article outlines and Topic mind-maps

Our tools support writers to ensure they are covering all the possible angles.  We give writers a starting point from which they can add their own experience and know-how to produce high quality content.  

Writers can iterate with the AI, but it does not support the generation of long-form automated content without human-intervention today.

Get an A-Z list of topics or sub-topics around a subject
Get a numbered list of topics or questions to answer
Discover the easiest way to produce a quality article quickly
Get articles outlines and short summaries designed to help you rank for Featured Snippets

FAQs about using AI to produce content?

How does this differ from other AI writing tools for SEOs like Anyword, Clearscope, Contentharmony, Frase, Headlime, Jasper, Outranking, Scalenut and SurferSEO?

There’s a whole cottage industry of AI-powered SEO tools now.  We’re very focused on effective, non-spammy implementation of AI to support content writers not replace them.

There’s plenty of talk in the industry about whether Google can detect AI produced content.  But we think this is missing the point.  Google can detect poorly quality content however it is produced and recent algorithm updates like the Helpful Content Update in particular have highlighted the need for writers to really show their expertise to build authority and trust.

We use our unique user intent and SERP data to help SEOs analyse the top performing sites to see what type of content Google prefers.  We can make valid keyword and topic suggestions to add to your pages, as well as providing outlines for new content.

Our workflow and editorial tools make it easy to create a rich production line of content that’s useful for users and performs well in the search engines.

You can also track your SEO success in the same platform.

Is it safe to use AI writing for SEO?

Yes, the AI produces original content based on your inputs.  Even with the same set of inputs, no two outputs are the same.

But, it is not safe (or should we say a good idea) to simply copy and paste AI-generated content into your website without checking it, editing it and adding value to it.

What do we mean by adding-value?  Well, the latest AI models are extremely powerful, but they still lack that high-level of in-depth expertise that sector specialist have.  Imagine, a builder who’s been working in the trade for 20 years. He/she will have specific expertise, methods and know-how which they use in their day-to-day work.  

Many of these systems will be automated, he/she won’t have to think too hard how to do something since they just know.  They are unconsciously competent and have ‘trade-secrets’ that have been earned over a long period.   
So, what are your ‘trade secrets’?  What do you know that will set your content apart from others and provide more value to readers?  Sprinkle this on your AI content before publishing.

Our tools are NOT designed to be used for producing spammy content and automated posting.  You are strongly advised to always review and edit the content before publishing.

Discover for yourself why we're different to other SEO tools

If everyone else is using famous SEO brands such as SEMrush, Ahrefs or Moz then how are you going to gain a competitive advantage?

AI Overvieew rank tracking software screenshot of the SERPs