Google Search Console Integration

Whether you're old enough to still call it Google Webmaster Tools, or whether you call it Search Console or Google Essentials - we'll store and sync your data

4 x the insights of using Search Console yourself

You cannot do this in the user interface Google gives you.

Connect multiple GSC profiles

Google typically only gives you a sample of 4,000 to 5,000 keywords per profile.  However, if you set up GSC profiles at sub-domain/directory/folder level then we can pull in and merge data for 10 profiles = 10x the data!

Store keywords >16 months

Google only stores your website data for 16 months.  We pull your GSC data in daily and store this for the life of your account.

Add User Intent for your GSC keywords

Add fresh keywords to our rank tracker and understand the user intent of the keywords where you are gaining impressions and clicks.

Integrate with other data

Mash the data up with ranking, analytics, crawl and backlink data to automate your SEO content audits in Data Studio

Google Search Console is not telling you the full story

It is essential to understand the relationship between your keywords, their rankings and the pages of your website.

Google has this data but it's not easy to interrogate this via the Google Search Console interface.

Connect up to 10 profiles to get 10x the keywords
Historic reporting for all Google Search Console data plus new metrics
Brand / Non-brand grouping of keywords
CTR modelling
Page cannibalisation reporting
Keyword flux and ranking to page relationships

Pages-to-Keywords &

Explore the relationship between the top performing pages on your site and their ranking keywords.

Should I optimise page X for keyword X or keyword Y?
Which keywords could provide the most new visitors?
Which pages have the greatest number of keywords with the greatest potential traffic opportunity?

Customise your
click-thru rate models

Here you can assess click-through rate models for different device (desktop, mobile and tablet) and keyword types.

This is extremely useful for estimating the impact on organic traffic when a page ranking is improved and helps you justify the ROI of investing in optimising that page.

Use custom CTR%s in SEO forecasting
How does the CTR on mobile compare with my average for searches on desktop?
Is this keyword getting as many clicks as it should?
Which Non-Brand keywords have lower CTR than expected for position?
Estimate ROI by assessing the impact if a keyword ranked in position X improved to position Y.

FAQs about Google Search Console?

Google Search Console is free – why would I pay for this?

Well, you’ll be pleased to hear that we also offer this module for free with every domain on our Freemium plan.

Do you integrate with Yahoo, Baidu or Bing Webmaster Tools?

We do not currently integrate with these tools but it may be something we consider doing in the future if there is sufficient demand and SEO benefits from doing so.

How long does it take to setup Google Search Console integration?

There’s no setup required, all you need do is securely authorise us to access your Google Search Console data.  We then pull the data in automatically – it usually takes 30 minutes to 1 hour.  Once we have your data, we store it for you and apply our data science models to build reports and insights for you.

Discover for yourself why we're different to other SEO tools

If everyone else is using famous SEO brands such as SEMrush, Ahrefs or Moz then how are you going to gain a competitive advantage?

AI Overvieew rank tracking software screenshot of the SERPs