Keyword Rankings

Google for Jobs

May 19, 2020
3 min
Google for Jobs

Marco Bonomo and Matt Hunt gave us a insight how to rank and appear in Google for Jobs on Tea Time SEO. They shared valuable tips with us, read the presentation on slideshare and Marco has also expanded on his tips below:

1) Become familiar with the Google guidelines and key resources

The first step in mastering how to rank in Google for Jobs is to make sure that you’re following the Google jobPosting guidelines to the T. I wrote a guide on Google for Jobs: Everything You Need to Know on Search Engine Land. It provides useful tips to outrank the competitors and boost your Google for Jobs rankings.

2) Focus on a high-quality job ad copy

The quality of the job ad is probably the most significant ranking factor in Google for Jobs. On top of displaying key elements such as a company info, role description, skills and responsibilities, I warmly recommend to add extra layer of information for Google to digest. For example, working hours, salary, benefits, and a more in-depth company information could make the difference between a good and an excellent job ad copy.

3) Be precise about exact location

Adding the exact location (down to street and post code) is another key factor in improving the
Google for Jobs rankings. This will allow Google to effectively match the job ad with the most
suitable candidate for the job, making commuting times a key factor in improving rankings.

4) Adapt the jobPosting markup for remote jobs

There are two steps in order to make sure that a job ad is picked by Google as a remote job. The first
one is to add “TELECOMMUTE” to the jobLocationType property in the schema markup. The second
is also relevant as it allows organisations to target particular countries (e.g. UK), instead of being
displayed worldwide. To achieve this, add the “applicantLocationRequirements” and the country
name straight into the markup. For more info about the implementation, visit the Google for Jobs remote jobs guidelines.

5) Make Google Data Studio part of your Google for Jobs reporting

My last recommendation is about creating a Google Data Studio dashboard. As the Google for Jobs
data is available through Google Analytics, it does not take long to set up a dashboard displaying
traffic, applications and other key metrics, automating monitoring and reporting.

Thank you again Marco for your very helpful tips. Sign up to Tea Time SEO or our YouTube channel to learn more about SEO and to always be up to date with our daily live-streams.

Image Credit: reyhaneh mehrnejad on Unsplash

P.S. If you can’t get enough of SEO make sure to check out Tom Pool’s tips on 'Log File Analysis.

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