SEO Software Updates

Product Update: December 2021

December 17, 2021
1 min
Product Update: December 2021

SERPs API – support for ‘Articles’

The SERPs API is a backbone product for our business and I’ve always been particularly proud of the way we manage this particular product. Keeping up with Google in this industry is always a challenge, but we’re pretty happy that we’ve managed to keep pace over the years and this month we added support for yet another Google SERPs feature – support for Articles:

These will now be distinguished from Top Stories (labelled “News” in the API) in a SERPs API response:

At the time of writing, I’m only typically seeing this feature appear for US 🇺🇸 results, which isn’t that surprising where Google is concerned, as I’ve often seen a lot of SERPs features rolled out in the US before Google rolls them out to its other supported regions.

We also added support for a couple of new regions – the small Caribbean islands of Guadeloupe and Martinique.

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You need to be ready.  The only question is, whether you want to be ready now or later?

AI Overvieew rank tracking software screenshot of the SERPs