SEO Software Updates

Product Update: November 2021

December 22, 2021
2 min
Product Update: November 2021

Just a quick summary of some of the progress we’ve made this month in supporting and developing our API and our platform products.

Page Structure API

We’ve made some significant progress this month in putting the final touches to our *NEW* Page Structure API. We’re particularly excited about this development and we hope you are too.

This month we added the ability to extract the following:

  • Response headers
  • HRefLang
  • Images (including HTML tag, title, alt text, filename and sizes – both original and compressed)
  • Rel-Canonical

In all, we now support extracting the following page features:

  • Schema
  • Response code
  • Response headers
  • HRefLang
  • Title
  • Rel-Canonical
  • Page Type
  • Comment count
  • Images
  • Header tags (H1s to H6s)
  • Paragraph count
  • Paragraph word count
  • Overall word count
  • Video count
  • Text block count
  • Links (both internal and external)
  • Main Content vs Whole Page

The next developments for this API will be in adding the following:

  • Opengraph and Twitter card tags
  • Mobile Analysis
  • Meta Robots tag
  • Distinguishing the most important elements of a page
  • Page type order in the SERPs (this will be added to the SERPs API response)

If there’s anything else you think would be useful when examining the structure of a webpage, please let us know and we’ll add it to the roadmap, if it’s not already in there.

If you would like to see a sample response, please get in touch. You can also register for a SERPs API key and we can enable the Page Structure feature for your key, so you’ll be able to run your own analysis whilst this API is still in BETA.

Once we’re finished with the API, you’ll start to see this data appear in the front-end application. If you want a sneak preview, the finished product will look something like this 👇🏻

We’ll share some other mockups for other modules on our community shortly.

Platform update:

Where front end development is concerned, we’ve mostly focused on developing a whole new User Interface (which we’re going to be calling “Version 8”), but we’re still making some minor changes to the existing platform whilst this wholesale change is in development and this month we decided to tweak our ranking model for ‘Pure Ranking’ configurations so that they include Featured Snippets as these are really just enhanced organic results. So if you have any projects setup on the platform using this ranking configuration, please note that if a site ranks for a Featured Snippet (Table, Paragraph, List or Video) at the top of the SERPs, it’ll now be treated as having an Organic rank of 1.

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AI Overvieew rank tracking software screenshot of the SERPs